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The Paelions were a prominent family line of House Phiarlan who were wiped out in the Shadow Schism.[1]


The Paelion assassins were the most feared of House Phiarlan.[1]


In 972 YK, Knight Superior Kadrath ir'Vardikk of the Order of the Emerald Claw met with Lord Elar Thuranni d'Phiarlan and passed on intelligence indicating the Brelish planned to assassinate the young King Kaius III and Regent Moranna of Karrnath, using Paelion assassins. To prevent the plot, Kadrath demanded the Thuranni get rid of the Paelions.[1]

Initially reluctant, Elar nevertheless investigated to verify it for himself, but uncovered evidence implicating Lord Tolar Paelion d'Phiarlan in a scheme to take control of the house, wipe out the other Phiarlan families, and the heads of the other dragonmarked houses and wrest power from the rulers of the Five Nations. Elar ordered an attack on the Paelions, resulting in a bloody slaughter of the entire Paelion family line.[1]

Seeing this act as a betrayal, Baron Elvinor Elorrenthi d'Phiarlan denounced the Thuranni family, who broke off to form their own house, in what would come to be known as the Shadow Schism.[1]


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