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Kalaash'arrna, or Kalaash for short, is a half-orc inquisitive of House Tharashk. He runs an independent but licensed inquisitive service named Information Acquisition (Lhash'ta'raak in Orcish) on "InAc" in Sharn, Breland.[1][2][note 1]

I know what you're looking for... better than you do.
— Kalaash[1]


Kalaash is a highly skilled master inquisitive. He bears a lesser Mark of Finding, giving him powers to discern lies and force people to tell the truth and to locate creatures and objects.[1][2]


We are hunters in a world of tribex.
— Kalaash[1][3]

In his jobs, Kalaash is known to be ruthless[1][2] and cunning.[2] He comes from the Arrna clan, which is allied to the Aashta clan,[1] but is one of the poorer clans of House Tharashk. Thus, Kalaash is driven to succeed and prove the value of himself, his company, and his clan.[2]


Kalaash? He's like a Valenar warhound: once he has the scent, he never gives up. Well, that and they both have fangs.
— Kessler, a poet of Sharn[1]

His specialty is gathering information on people, usually of the damaging or embarrassing kind, and his clients are often corrupt politician themselves. He will follow people, spy on them, and more, often distasteful, activities.[1][2] If, outside of a job, he learns something important, he will sell the information to someone who would be interested,[1] but he never betrays a client.[2]

Kalaash is the senior inquisitive on InAc and employs four lesser inquisitives; they are unmarked half-orc and human house members. They are based in the Underlook district of Middle Dura ward of Sharn.[2]


He wears +1 shadow studded leather and a darkweave cloak of resistance and wields a rapier and dagger. He is equipped with an inquisitive's kit and thieves' tools, and potions of gaseous form, invisibility, and cure light wounds.[1]



  1. Dragonmarked says Information Acquisition in an independent agency, but Sharn: City of Towers says Kalaash runs it for House Tharashk.

