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Lightning rail

The front side of a lightning rail in motion.

The lightning rail is an international train line operated by House Orien that connects many of the major cities throughout Khorvaire. The rail is powered by a bound air elemental, which propels goods and passengers along a track of conductor stones at high speeds.[1]


The lightning rail originated when the rulers of Galifar commissioned House Cannith and House Orien to construct a means of rapid transit across the kingdom. House Orien worked with elemental binders from Zilargo to bind elementals to carts, which could then be used to propel passengers and cargo along a line of House Cannith-manufactured conductor stones.[2][3] The name lightning rail comes from the line of sparks created by the train's passage along the stones.[3]

The first lightning rail was constructed in 811 YK, connecting the cities of Flamekeep and Fairhaven.[4] However, the majority of lightning rail lines were built between 845 and 865 YK under a public works program by King Jarot ir'Wynarn.[4] For about 50 years, the lightning rail was a sign of the prosperity for the Five Nations and the Kingdom of Galifar.[2][3]


People fighting atop a lightning rail.

During the Last War, travel became heavily restricted and the war prevented House Orien from further expansion of the lightning rail.[3] Damage from the war also destroyed several connections, and fractured the lightning rail system.[2] The worst single incident was the destruction of Cyre and the lightning rail lines through it on the Day of Mourning, splitting the continent into two separate rail lines. Orien's rival House Lyrandar took full advantage of the split to become the main means of transport between the two sides of the continent.[5]

With peace returning, House Orien is working to repair and expand the lightning rail beyond the Five Nations and lobbying nations for laborers and money to expand the rail network.[3] House Orien is also seeking a patron to help fund a new lightning rail connection around the Mournland to connect the continent, but given the demise of Galifar, its uncertain if they will be successful.[2]


Conductor Stones[]

Developed by House Cannith, conductor stones are magical stones that repel each other. When one set of conductor stones is laid down to form a track and another set is embedded underneath a cart or vehicle, the repulsion between the stones causes the cart or vehicle to float, allowing for frictionless movement.[3]


Most lightning rails have about 10 carts, the maximum an elemental can propel without becoming strained. The typical configuration is two crew carts at the front and back of the train, four passenger carts, two lounge carts, and two cargo carts.[2][6]

Crew Cart[]

The lightning rail's propulsion is provided by an elemental bound to a vehicle known as a crew cart. The elemental propels the crew cart and other carts in a train behind the crew cart along the conductor stones, usually at around 30 mph. When underway, the elemental causes lightning to encircle the crew cart as a side effect of the propulsion, and the lightning also arcs between the conductor stones.[6]




A lightning rail in station

Lightning rail stations are generally located along the conductor stone track near or within towns and cities. Most lightning rail stations have a standardized appearance, and unload passengers from one side and cargo from the other.[6]


A House Orien employee with the Mark of Passage generally operates the crew cart, using the helm to control the elemental's speed and choosing the path when the track splits. Other crew on a lightning rail include stewards to oversee passenger needs and secure cargo, overseen by a chief steward.[2][6]


Passengers on the lightning rail can choose between first class, standard, or steerage accommodations.[3][7] Steerage is the cheapest, but provides the least amenities, while standard provides a bunk for overnight travel, more comfortable seating, and a meal. First class tickets get the best seating, beds, and meals, but are the most expensive tickets.[3]


The Silver Unicorn, private coach of Baron Kwanti d'Orien

The wealthiest passengers on the lightning rail travel in private coaches, as do the elite of House Orien.[2][8]

Notable Trains[]


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