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Eberron Wiki

Breland is one of the Five Nations of central Khorvaire. It lies in the southwest of the continent, enjoying one of the largest areas of the nations and territories. Breland is a mix of open farmland, woodland, and sprawling metropolises, the largest and most famous of which is Sharn. The lightning rail originates out of Sharn and from there travels across Breland and out to the other nations of Khorvaire, while House Orien roadways branch out to more remote locations among the countryside.


Breland occupies a large swath of land nestled between Zilargo to the east and Droaam to the west while sharing its northern border with the Eldeen Reaches and Aundair, and even touches Darguun and the Mournland in its far eastern area. The nation is split by the mouth of the Dagger River and the Straits of Shargon, while the Graywall Mountains in the west prevent monstrous invasions from Droaam. Other geographic boundaries are Lake Brey, Silver Lake, Lake Galifar, and the Blackcaps to the north, and the Howling Peaks and the King's Forest to the east.



The Brelish coat of arms.

While King Boranel ir'Wynarn is the head of state, the Brelish Parliament handles much of the day-to-day legislation. The Nobles Chamber is made of 27 land-holding families, while the Commons chamber consists of officials elected in two-year cycles. The ir'Clarn family is the most influential out of these noble families.

Monarchs of Breland (post-Jarot/Last War)[]

Years of Rule Monarch
892-919 YK Wroann ir'Wynarn
919-922 YK Kason ir'Wynarn
922-927 YK Brask ir'Wynarn (regent)
928-960 YK Boranex ir'Wynarn
961 YK - Boranel ir'Wynarn

The King's Citadel is the highest law enforcement and paramilitary organization in Breland.

Known noble families of Breland:

  • Cardwan[1]
  • Clarn
  • Daine
  • Demell
  • Iff
  • Jalon
  • Kade
  • Kalain
  • Kavay
  • Laisha
  • Marasha
  • Moran
  • Morgrave
  • Oeskai
  • Ranek
  • Starn
  • Tain
  • Tajar
  • Talan
  • Tarrn
  • Thadian
  • Tonn
  • Tyran


The Daughters of Sora Kell have been very busy trying to gain allies and new sources of revenue. They have made contact with most of western Khorvaire, most particularly Aundair, Breland, and Zilargo. Because of this, many minotaur bodyguards and ogre laborers can be found in various Brelish and Zil towns.


Brelish Names[]

  • Masculine: Alain, Beren, Cord, Curlot, Destir, Duran, Erix, Jovi, Kaine, Kuven, Laren, Lis, Maal, Minyu, Nelt, Norn, Oarsen, Pater, Pol, Rand, Reesir, Saal, Stend, Tars, Teesen, Uthar, Verden, Vorj, Werem, Wrogarr, Yelfis
  • Feminine: Aanna, Alike, Beaf, Channa, Dabren, Delru, Elazti, Fromm, Gersi, Glenas, Habra, Heeson, Isti, Itlani, Joherra, Ket, Khaal, Lorsanna, Margu. Maril, Monesti, Narcy, Nebra, Penti, Riki, Soranda, Tabin, Tolri, Wroaan, Wroenna
  • Surnames: Aggan, Bakker, Colworn, Devir, Ebinor, Faldren, Graccen, Helmworth, Jonz, Kemble, Lanner, Lonn, Makker, Morrus, Nelview, Perryn, Riston, Roole, Smyth, Snarik, Thorn, Toppe, Wrighten

National Anthem[]

Breland's national anthem is "The Song of Breland" and the lyrics are as follows:[2]

Breland, our Breland,
Land of freedom and bravery,
Forever will the Bear and Crown
Stand upon this land we love.

Breland, our Breland,
Realm of gold and wonders,
Always will we sing of thee
Across this land we love...[2]


Breland was named for its first queen, Galifar's daughter Brey ir'Wynarn.

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Cities & Settlements[]

Other Notable Features[]



According to Keith Baker, here, the natives of Breland pronounce it "BREY-lund", as it is named after Galifar's daughter Brey. In Aundair or Thrane, it may be pronounced "BREL-und" or "BREE-lund".




Cities of Breland
Ardev · Argonth · Baran's Keep · Black Pit · Brey Crossing · Castle Arakhain · Cragwar · Drum Keep · First Tower
Flint Keep · Fort Tansend · Galethspyre · Glyphstone Keep · Hatheril · Kennrun · Lurching Tower · Mistmarsh · Moonwatch
New Cyre · Nowhere · Orcbone · Ringbriar · Shadowlock Keep · Sharn · Shavalant · Shining Valley · Starilaskur · Sterngate
Sword Keep · Torch Keep · Vathirond · Woodhelm · Wroat · Xandrar · Zilspar

Regions & Nations of Khorvaire
Aundair | Breland | Darguun | Demon Wastes | Droaam | The Eldeen Reaches | Karrnath | Lhazaar Principalities | Mournland | Mror Holds | Q'Barra | Shadow Marches | Talenta Plains | Thrane | Valenar | Zilargo